German researchers have created a non-digestible aptamer by expanding the half-life of oligonucleotide-based drugs. The researchers used artificial building blocks that mimic RNA/DNA but are not digestible by enzymes. This breakthrough could have significant implications for the development of therapeutics and vaccines.
- The researchers created a synthetic TNA nucleic acid analogue called threofuranosyl nucleic acid (TNA) with a new, additional base pair. TNA is more stable than DNA and RNA, making it advantageous for therapeutic use.
- The TNA analogue was designed to resist enzymatic digestion, which has been a problem for nucleic acid-based therapeutics that degrade quickly in cells. This increased stability could extend the half-life of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics.
- The researchers found that the non-digestible aptamer could enable alternative binding options to target molecules in cells. This could be used in the development of new aptamers for targeted control of cellular mechanisms.
- TNA could also be applied in drug delivery, diagnostics, and the recognition of viral proteins or biomarkers.
- The researchers synthesized modified nucleoside triphosphates with enhanced nuclease resistance and replication efficiency using TNA. The synthesis of these modified nucleotides presented challenges that the researchers are working to overcome.
The creation of a non-digestible aptamer using synthetic TNA could revolutionize the field of therapeutics and vaccines. The enhanced stability and alternative binding options provided by TNA offer new possibilities for targeted control of cellular mechanisms. This breakthrough has the potential to improve the efficacy and longevity of nucleic acid-based drugs, leading to the development of more effective treatments for various diseases.