Breakthrough: Affordable Customised Albumin Revolutionizes Therapeutics


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📅 January 22, 2024. Demand for animal-free recombinant albumin has led to high prices, limiting access to affordable vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. New technologies are increasing production and expanding its use beyond therapeutics to skincare. Albumin is widely used in diagnostics, medical devices, and regenerative medicine. Patent protections and limited suppliers have created shortages. Lower quality albumin is affordable but presents manufacturing and regulatory issues. Customised strains of baker’s yeast are now enabling the production of high-quality, affordable albumin. This could accelerate research and unleash the full potential of albumin.
📢 Revolutionary Custom Albumin: Affordable Vaccines & Skincare


The article discusses the challenges in accessing animal-free recombinant albumin, a key ingredient in the development and production of biopharmaceuticals. Limited supply and high prices have hindered the accessibility of albumin for the development of affordable vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. However, new technologies, such as Quantum Trait Loci (QTL) technology, have the potential to boost production and spread the benefits of albumin beyond therapeutics to other applications.

Main points:

  1. Demand for animal-free recombinant albumin is increasing in biopharmaceutical applications.
  2. Patent protections and limited suppliers have created shortages and pricing issues.
  3. Different levels of albumin quality and consistency pose regulatory and manufacturing challenges.
  4. Lower quality albumin tends to be cheaper but presents limitations and compliance issues.
  5. New technology using QTL enables the production of high-quality albumin at scale, opening up opportunities for new applications.


The availability of affordable and customized recombinant albumin has the potential to accelerate research and innovation in the field of biopharmaceuticals, including monoclonal antibodies and cell and gene therapy. Customized strains of baker’s yeast have the ability to unleash the full potential of albumin in various applications.

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